
‘Lucy McCarraher has spoken at dozens of Dent events and workshops since 2014, to audiences of 50 to 500 people at a time. She inspires entrepreneurs to embrace the written word and publish their ideas as a business-building strategy. As a result of Lucy’s inspirational yet practical approach I know of literally hundreds of people who have authored a book after seeing her speak or attending her workshop. Do not hesitate to book Lucy as a speaker for anything that relates to publishing and thought leadership.’
– Daniel Priestley, CEO Dent Global

‘I’ve sold over 150,000 books and had three #1 international bestsellers, but Lucy is the FIRST person I turn to when I want someone to teach my audience the business of writing and publishing books. Equally adept as a speaker or workshop facilitator, Lucy is authoritative, engaging, personable and always delivers with seemingly effortless but highly effective clarity. Need an expert in books, hybrid publishing or becoming a bestselling author? Go to Lucy. I do.’
– Shaa Wasmund MBE

‘We run an exclusive event for our top performing business owner members that we call the Pareto Club. At each event guest speakers are invited to present to us on a subject of their choosing. The criteria are simple (but also difficult): to Inform or Inspire or Educate. Ideally all three. We had the pleasure recently of Lucy McCarraher presenting to us on the subject, ‘How to write and get published’. Lucy nailed all three criteria and set a few people on the ‘writing’ journey. Many of my members sent great feedback for Lucy’s presentation, which I personally echo. She was very well prepared, controlled the audience wonderfully, kept us fully engaged and delighted us with her stories. Thank you, Lucy.’
– Dan Kelly MBA, Executive Director, Norfolk, BNI

‘Lucy McCarraher, Founder of The Business Book Awards, is one of life’s organisers – and when you hear her speak you’ll know how she gets so much done and why she gets so much support from not only her team, but the people she comes into contact with. Lucy is great at leading people to achieve things: using her background in business she knows what she’s talking about, and as a writer she also knows how to use the right words to express her messages with authority, authenticity and real-world experience. Lucy is passionate about her subject, and by the end of her speech, audiences feel inspired to get writing!’
– Nadine Dereza, Presenter, Speaker, Author of Insider Secrets of Public Speaking



Copyright Lucy McCarraher. All rights reserved.